Trinity School

At A Glance

From kindergarten fundamentals to middle school global connections of self and society, Trinity School provides an exceptional academic experience. The school equips students to pursue excellence with a rigorous academic curriculum and a foundation of Judeo-Christian ethics. About 630 students partake in pursuing academic excellence with a student/teacher ratio of <6:1. Trinity School strengthens the curiosity, creativity, and talents of each child, thereby fostering a lifetime of learning.

Grade Levels

Pre-K through 6th


“Trinity School creates a community of learners in a diverse and distinctly elementary-only environment, in which each child develops the knowledge, skills, and character to achieve his or her unique potential as a responsible, productive, and compassionate member of the School and greater community.”


  • Early Learners: $19,350
  • Pre-K & Kindergarten: $25,400
  • First-Sixth Grade: $28,550


Trinity School is found at 4301 Northside Pkwy NW, Atlanta, GA 30327.

Around The Campus